The role of coffee in weight loss is highly debated. The fact is coffee has both positive and negatives effects on your health. It can be beneficial for weight loss depending on how it is consumed. It contains caffeine which can help in mobilizing fats from the fat tissues. Besides caffeine, it also contains several other biologically active substances which can improve metabolism and assist in weight loss.
Caffeine stimulates the central nervous system. Theobromine and Theophylline are other substances in coffee which also have stimulant effect. Finally, Chlorogenic Acid is another compound present in the drink which helps in slowing down absorption of carbohydrates.
Caffeine stimulates the nervous system, causing it to send signals to the fat cells asking them to break down fat. The fat is broken down and released into the blood. This is the way mobilization of fat takes place.
Many studies have shown that caffeine can increase metabolic rate by about 2 to 10 percent. When our metabolic rate increases, it becomes easier for our bodies to lose weight. People with higher metabolic rates can lose weight faster and can also eat more without gaining weight. Interestingly, the effect of caffeine on metabolic rate is less in obese people than in slim people. In lean people, caffeine consumption can lead to increase in metabolic rate as much as 20% while in obese people the increase may be less than 10%. Furthermore, caffeine has a stronger effect on younger individuals than on older ones.
Another way coffee can help in losing weight is by curbing your appetite, making you eat less than you normally do. One cup of coffee can decrease your appetite for the next 2 to 3 hours. Some people like to have coffee after dinner in order to suppress their craving for dessert or late night snacks. However, don't rely too much on coffee as appetite suppressant.
Due to all the above cited reasons, it may seem that coffee can be very good for weight loss because of the caffeine content and its effect on increasing metabolic activity. However there is a slight problem. Our bodies very soon become used to the effects of caffeine. So, coffee can be good for increasing metabolic rate in the short term but not in the long run.
An important thing to remember is to drink coffee in moderation. Excessive consumption can have many negative effects on your health. You might suffer from insomnia and experience higher stress levels throughout the day if you consume the drink in high quantities. Higher stress levels may trigger overeating in lot of people. So, drinking more coffee for weight loss might actually cause stress and lead to overeating, thus causing further weight gain.
There are lots of healthy weight loss tips that you can follow to achieve your ideal weight. To learn more about how to lose weigh fast go to
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